Name: Maheswar Pradhan

Job Role: Scientist-D

Experience: 10 Years 7 Months

Address: IITM, Pune, India


Fortran 85%
NCL 95%
Machine Learning 50%

About Me

I am currently working in a Monsoon Mission group to enhance India’s modelling capability in simulating Indian Summer Monsoon and the processing contributing towards its predictability. Ocean observing system experiments with coupled models, seasonal prediction of onset variability, model intercomparison studies involving NMME, SINTEX-F2, ECMWF models, the sensitivity of seasonal forecasts towards initial conditions, etc. are some of my works towards addressing coupled models’ biases and way forward to improve them. I am also a part of the core team which developed the MMCFSv2 (a next generation global coupled model) for India. I have also worked towards automated forecasting algorithms. Using these algorithms, the model and forecasting procedures are now operationally used for seasonal forecasting of the Indian Summer Monsoon at the India Meteorological Department (IMD). In association with IMD, I have been working towards generating and disseminating ENSO-IOD bulletins, long-range forecasts of rainfall and air temperature, etc..

  • Profile: Climate Modeling & Data Analytics
  • Model Code Handled: CFSv2, GFS, MOM & MMCFSv2
  • Model Data Analysed: ENSMBLES, SINTEX-F2, NMME, & UKMO
  • Language: English, Hindi, & Odia
  • Publication Break up: Model Development (3), Model Analysis (10) & Observational(8), AI-ML (0)
  • Interest: Traveling, Cricket, Badminton

0 +   Number of Publications

0 +   h-index



I was an Instrumentaion Engineer and the joined the field of Climate Science more than a decade ago. I obtained my Doctoral Degree in Climate Studies from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. My research interest and working areas are listed below. Feel free to start an conversation or collaboration just by dropping an email.


Areas of Interest

I am working in the following areas of climate science/modeling.


Scientific Career
  • 2021-Present: Scientist-D at IITM, Pune
  • 2017-2020: Scientist-C at IITM, Pune
  • 2014-2016: Scientist-B at IITM, Pune
  • 2012-2013: Trainee Scientist at Ceneter for Advanced Training (CAT), IITM, Pune
Positions/Membership Held
  • Review Editor at Frontier in Climate
  • Life Member of Indian Meteorological Society (IMS)
  • Panelist of "Tropical Pacific Observing Needs to Advance Process Understanding and Representation in Models" workshop at USCLIVAR



Bachelor of Technology

College of Engineering and Technology (CET), Bhubaneswar

GPA: 8.56


Doctor of Philosophy

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), Powai

GPA: 9.57



    Peer Reviewed Journals

  1. Pai, D.S., Rao, A.S., Senroy, S., Pradhan, M., Pillai, P.A. and Rajeevan, M., 2017. Performance of the operational and experimental long-range forecasts for the 2015 southwest monsoon rainfall.
  2. Ramu, D.A., Rao, S.A., Pillai, P.A., Pradhan, M., George, G., Rao, D.N., Mahapatra, S., Pai, D.S. and Rajeevan, M., 2017. Prediction of seasonal summer monsoon rainfall over homogenous regions of India using dynamical prediction system.
  3. Pradhan, M., Yadav, R.K., Ramu Dandi, A., Srivastava, A., Phani, M.K. and Rao, S.A., 2017. Shift in MONSOON–SST teleconnections in the tropical Indian Ocean and ENSEMBLES climate models' fidelity in its simulation.
  4. Srivastava, A., Rao, S.A., Rao, D.N., George, G. and Pradhan, M., 2017. Structure, characteristics, and simulation of monsoon low‐pressure systems in CFS v2 coupled model.
  5. Pradhan, M., Rao, A.S., Srivastava, A., Dakate, A., Salunke, K. and Shameera, K.S., 2017. Prediction of Indian summer-monsoon onset variability: A season in advance.
  6. Srivastava, A., Pradhan, M., Goswami, B.N. and Rao, S.A., 2017. Regime shift of Indian summer monsoon rainfall to a persistent arid state: external forcing versus internal variability. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
  7. Pillai, P.A., Rao, S.A., Ramu, D.A., Pradhan, M. and George, G., 2018. Seasonal prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in NMME models and monsoon mission CFSv2.
  8. Rao, S.A., Pillai, P.A., Pradhan, M. and Srivastava, A., 2019. Seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon in India: The past, the present and the future.
  9. Krishna, R.P.M., Rao, S.A., Srivastava, A., Kottu, H.P., Pradhan, M., Pillai, P., Dandi, R.A. and Sabeerali, C.T., 2019. Impact of convective parameterization on the seasonal prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon.
  10. Rao, S.A., Goswami, B.N., Sahai, A.K., Rajagopal, E.N., Mukhopadhyay, P., Rajeevan, M., Nayak, S., Rathore, L.S., Shenoi, S.S.C., Ramesh, K.J. and Nanjundiah, R., 2019. Monsoon Mission: A targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales.
  11. Srivastava, A., Rao, S.A., Pradhan, M., Pillai, P.A. and Prasad, V.S., 2020. Gain of one-month lead time in seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon prediction: comparison of initialization strategies.
  12. Pradhan M., Rao Suryachandra A., Srivastava Ankur, 2021. Factors responsible for consecutive deficit Indian monsoons during 2014 and 2015, Theoretical and Applied Climatology
  13. Pillai P.A., Rao Suryachandra A., Srivastava Ankur, Dandi R.A., Pradhan M., Das Renu S., 2021. Impact of the tropical Pacific SST biases on the simulation and prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in CFSv2, ECMWF-System4, and NMME models.
  14. Amat H.B., Pradhan M., Tejavath C.T., Dey Avijit, Rao Suryachandra A., Sahai A.K., Ashok K, 2021. Value addition to forecasting: towards Kharif rice crop predictability through local climate variations associated with Indo-Pacific climate drivers.
  15. Pradhan, M., Rao, S. A., Doi, T., Pillai, P. A., Srivastava, A., & Behera, S., 2021. Comparison of MMCFS and SINTEX-F2 for seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall.
  16. Pradhan, M., Srivastava, A., Rao, S.A., Banerjee, D.S., Chatterjee, A., Francis, P.A., Sreejith, O.P., Gupta, M.D. and Prasad, V.S, 2021. Are ocean-moored buoys redundant for prediction of Indian monsoon?
  17. Pradhan, M., Rao, S.A., Bhattacharya, A. and Balasubramanian, S, 2022 Improvements in Diurnal Cycle and its Impact on Seasonal Mean by Incorporating COARE flux Algorithm in CFS.
  18. Gade S.V., Sreenivas P., Rao Suryachandra A., Srivastava Ankur, Pradhan M.,2022 Impact of the Ensemble Kalman Filter based Coupled Data Assimilation System on Seasonal Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
  19. Das Renu S., Rao Suryachandra A., Pillai P.A., Srivastava Ankur, Pradhan M., Dandi R.A., 2022 Why coupled general circulation models overestimate the ENSO and Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) relationship?
  20. Pillai, P. A., Rao, S. A., V. Gangadharan, K., Pradhan, M., Srivastava, A., & Jain, D. K., 2022. Impact of reduced ENSO variability and amplitude on ISMR prediction in the long-lead forecasts of monsoon mission CFS.
  21. Das, R.S., Rao, S.A., Pillai, P.A., Pradhan, M. and Srivastava, A., 2023.Role of south-west Indian orography in modulating large-scale monsoon circulation.
  22. Pradhan, M., Rao, S.A. & Bhattacharya, 2024 A Towards a realistic MISO simulation: impact of rectification.
  23. Jain, D., Rao, S. A., Dandi, R. A., Pillai, P. A., Srivastava, A., Pradhan, M., and Gangadharan, K. V., 2024 Monsoon Mission Coupled Forecast System version 2.0: model description and Indian monsoon simulations
  24. Dhage, P.M., Srivastava, A., Rao, S.A., Soni, A. and Pradhan, M., 2024.Applicability of seasonal forecasts from dynamical models for reservoir management practices

    Other Publications

  1. Mujumdar, M., Gnanaseelan, C. and Rajeevan, M., 2015. A Research Report on the 2015 Southwest Monsoon.
  2. D.S. Pai, O. P. Sreejith, A. Suryachandra Rao, Arti Bandgar, Kailas Sonawane, Madhuri Musale, Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar Pradhan, Gibies George and Ashish Dhakate, 2017. Operational and experimental long range forecasts, Monsoon 2016, A Report.
  3. Suryachandra A. Rao Gill Martin, Ankur Srivastava, Susmitha Joseph, Rajib Chattopadhay, José Rodriguez, Michael Vellinga, Richard Levine, Sean Milton, Maheswar Pradhan, 2019. Progress report on common and differing characteristics between modelling systems, with priority for future process study.
  4. US CLIVAR Workshop Report on “Tropical Pacific Observing Needs to Advance Process Understanding and Representation in Models Workshop”
  5. Maheswar Pradhan, Thesis, The Interdisciplinary Programme (IDP) in Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India. Improving Air-Sea Interaction in Coupled Models


Contact Me

Below are the details to reach out to me!


Monsoon Mission Group, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune, India, 411008

Contact Number

+91 20-20504306

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